I remember when I used to lay in the grass and look up into the sky. The clouds looked as if they were moving with purpose exposing a secret known only to God. I would get lost in my thoughts trying to understand something I had no idea about. Which was “Life.” I was more in tune with myself then and took notice of times when things just felt different. I can’t explain but I’m sure you had a time when everything around you just felt and looked different. I couldn’t put a finger on it, I just knew something changed. It was peace and stillness that invaded my mind. I’m having that exact moment right now as I write this. If you are a spiritual person then you would know at that moment God was present.
Growing up it was much easier to live from day to day. There were not many things to worry about. Never became worried until I was an adult and responsibilities were put in place. There are several different platforms for religion and spirituality. In my research, I concluded that God is what connects us all in my opinion. It all began with Adam and Eve. God is connected to everything and everyone. I also believe there are individuals that are more obedient and or in tune to God’s voice. It also explains how some people we don’t even know can walk right up to us and be a blessing when we are in need. I’ve heard people say “It was the holy spirit that told me to do it.” I know this may sound silly and you may not even agree; it is the way I see and interpret things around me.
The holy ghost or holy spirit can be defined as the spirit of God and most times it requires action on the receiving end from my point of view. The gentle nudge produces a feeling to act on and surprisingly some people ignore it. This has happened to me countless times. First, I did not understand what was happening. Secondly, instead of taking action I questioned it. Lastly, fearing people’s perception of me because they were gonna think I’m crazy. It was all of these things hindering me from moving in the way needed for that moment but as we all know when there is an obstacle stopping one person the assignment will be placed with another. I remember at a previous job, there was a co-worker who was very distraught. I felt a nudge to go and pray with her. I started to make my way towards her and then my mind started spinning. It began to think “what if she does not believe in prayer,” and “what will I say?” I had talked myself out of it before reaching her and after second-guessing myself I turned back and she was gone. Another co-worker had talked to her and gave the comfort she needed. I felt that I missed something significant for both her and myself.
So in conclusion, the spirit of God travels, and the holy ghost whispers. In knowing so, find time to sit and listen to God’s voice. My soul’s core is nourished when in meditation and or prayer. Being outside is also beneficial. I can stand on my balcony and stare at the mountains in awe for hours as I feel the breeze on my face, listening to birds chirping and cars passing by. Being in the presence of God and feeling his love crosses so many barriers. The real question is “How can we consistently stay in this moment?”
This article in sure resonate with a lot of people. People who don’t always understand the synchronicity that are present all around them. They may be viewed as coincidences but sometimes this is how messages become clear at moments they are needed. And though everyone don’t believe in God, they believe in something. Even if it’s a different form of energy. Reaching for the same goal. Most people will say they owe it to a higher power but all in all, that power is the energy is transmitted between all of us and that’s where our guidance an intuition is most effective. Energy is God and it’s all around us in every moment. Very nice article
Definitely Food for thought.
Its definitely a penny for ur thoughts…it gives u the peace of mind u need to move forward…very beautiful…