Motherhood: Maintaining Your Mental State

A bond between mother and child beginning at conception and followed with mood fluctuations and body changes. Once born the days are lengthened and spent knee-deep in laundry, bottle washing, and doctor appointments. The days seem endless. Let’s not forget those working a full-time job as well. Who am I talking about? Mothers! It is an honor to be a mother. Let’s recall the day you were able to hold your bundle of joy for the first time. You can still feel the bliss surging throughout your body allowing your mind to feel peace knowing everything is complete now they have arrived. A flush of emotion can awaken unfavorable thoughts in times of stress and change. Being mentally stable can become a bit challenging when the mind is susceptible to negativity due to several hurdles encountered.  Finding balance in motherhood can cause the mental state to teeter from sane to insane.  How can mothers maintain mental stability?

Balance is essential. The most critical element that threatens balance in the psyche is a lack of sleep in my opinion.  A mother experiences this best within the first year or so of the child’s life.  The late-night crying, colic episodes, and fevers are enough to push the limits. Somehow throughout this time, many still find a way to conquer the obstacles they are faced with. Again, in my opinion, I credit this to having an anchor thought in which you can travel to when issues arise. For example, I can remember only having about 3 to 4 hours of sleep in an entire day. My baby would begin to cry and then I would cry because I was so exhausted. When I held him in my arms my only focus was to bring comfort and although I experienced frustration in figuring out what to do I continued on until a solution was found. It is what holds everything together mentally knowing you are meeting or have met the needs of your child. A mother can manage countless tasks but assistance is always appreciated.

Support from your significant other, family members and or friends can help aid in regaining some of your inner-peace not only when your child is a newborn but also when older.  “Me-time” is necessary and helpful with diminishing stress. You can set aside time for yourself to alleviate tension such as an hour soak in the tub, which is my absolute favorite. The stress melts away and relaxation is in active mode.  Prayer and meditation can also be beneficial and is the most useful in the early morning hours.  A clear and sound mind allows for a productive day.  There are so many tragic stories about mothers and the harmful acts committed against themselves and or their children. It is why a support system is needed during these times.  Being a mother is rewarding and not always an easy feat.

Love, balance, and support are key components to motherhood and serenity. While motherhood is seen as caring for children, performing multiple tasks, and looking fierce while doing so it is often forgotten what mental struggles are had in the process.  In reality, some days just magically fall together and recognized as an act of God.  The other days are filled with lots of prayers.

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