The Monster Behind the Mask

Who is the monster behind the mask? Do you ever wonder about the people we pass on a daily basis? Maybe not. What about on your route? You also can catch a glimpse of yourself in the office building you pass or see a reflection of yourself in the window of a car.  We have people in our lives filled with big beautiful smiles, deep laughs, and words of comfort expressed all in the name of love. On the opposite side, there are others we allow in our lives that can negatively impact us which can be simplified down to one big slap in the face and often on repeat for some that do not learn after the first encounter.  What do our actions say about us? Is it the image we want to betray? If we are not our actions are we for many reasons just fooling ourselves. On my continuing journey to living on purpose, I realized just how many layers you have to strip away in order to be the real you or the “YOU”  you assume you are.

Our experiences shape us and it is how we respond to love, chaos, and the titles we give ourselves knowingly and unknown. Despite the ruckus, we deal with day in and day out I often wonder which is more exhausting.  Is it pretending to be someone you’re not or finding the courage to be the real you? The “YOU” God created you to be. I have found that going against the grain of the crowd can create conflict. I mean, “How do “I” being me affect anyone else?” Well, it does more than you think, but is that enough to suppress the person you are meant to be? It deeply impacts your mental state both positive and or negative, to say the least. On a positive note, my experience when you are your true self it produces a state of serenity. The peace you feel is undeniable but when the foundation is fairly new it will shake from time to time until you’ve embraced your sense of self completely.  This has what my experience has shown me.

There are different factors that may arise when shifting toward something new. While peace is found in God; the external surroundings start to roar in our face. Outside influences will always be present but it is when you stand firmly within is the true test to the foundation you have built. We should all be able to deal with the pressures exerted on us right? Resistance can be difficult and it is why many prefer to follow the crowd. Breaking away from people and old habits may require obstacles some aren’t ready to face. “I don’t want to be alone!” but it is the reality of change. You’re alone because your circle no longer fits the person you are.

The monster behind the mask is the person trying to figure out who they are without seeing the world reflecting back in the mirror. To live as God called us to live. It is time to remove the mask and do away with the monster.  Embrace the journey ahead and leave the world behind. Be You! Be True! and Bring all of that back to the world and that is when a riff will be felt near and far.